Brenda karantinës luksoze të Jennifer Lopez dhe Alex Rodriguez

  • 24 March 2020 - 15:42
Brenda karantinës luksoze të Jennifer Lopez dhe Alex Rodriguez

Ky izolim në shtëpi ka dhe një të mirë për të gjithë pasi qëndrojmë më shumë me familjarët tanë.

Edhe Jennifer Lopez dhe Alex Rodriguez këto ditë karantinimi kanë vendosur t’i kalojnë në shtëpi afër fëmijëve.

Të veshur sportivë dhe me shkopin e bejsbollit në duar ata shihen duke luajtur në oborrin e shtëpisë.

Pandemia nga Covid-19 tashmë ka mbërthyer të gjithë botën mirëpo JLO dhe Alex shihen të lumtur duke e kaluar këtë situatë me sa më shumë buzëqeshje dhe sportivitet.

Pavarësisht çdo gjëje, këto ditë pushimi çifti po i shijon në maksimum dhe me qetësinë e duhur, duke dhënë kështu një shembull për të gjithë të tjerët.


Today was a dream day for me. First, I’d like to thank everyone who tuned in to watch my first ARod baseball clinic. I hope you guys learned something and enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed doing it! . I mentioned this during the livestream, but do you know what Shakespeare did when he was quarantined because of the plague? He wrote King Lear. You can let this time pass you by, or you can seize it and use it to work on your swing, watch a ton of video, and make yourself a better player. Or a better anything, for that matter. . . You can also use it to spend quality time with family. We had a blast playing a little baseball in the yard with the four powerful young women in my life. . When I was their age, I couldn’t afford bats, balls ë and gloves. I was lucky to have great mentors to look out for me, and for the @bgcmiamidade giving me a place to play. . Today, it was so much fun watching them take some cuts. The only depressing part was watching Jen lock in on her swing and launch one. What can’t she do? She even hits better than I do! #ShesANatural ë

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